Christmas on the Vine
Film: Christmas on the Vine

Christmas on the Vine

Brooke, a young marketing executive, goes back to her hometown excited to relive her Christmas memories, while helping a struggling family-owned winery. Her marketing assignment involves an unlikely partnership with Tyler, the charismatic, yet stubborn owner of the winery. Brooke quickly learns that the town’s Christmas spirit has disappeared due to a wine conglomerate buying out all of the local wineries. Determined to bring Christmas back to the town, Brooke and Tyler work together and discover they share more than a love for wine.

Om filmen

Mer om Christmas on the Vine

Filmen hade premiär 2020 och är regisserad av Paul A. Kaufman. Speltiden är 80 minuter


  • Julianna Guill


  • Jon Cor


  • Meredith Baxter

    Carla Kilgore

  • Kate Isaac


  • Chilton Crane


Filmregissör och Manus

  • Duane Poole


  • Paul A. Kaufman


Kommande sändningar

Här listas vilken tid som Christmas on the Vine sänds på TV.

Inga tablålagda tv-sändningar de närmsta sju dagarna.


  • TV-film
  • Romantik