Alex, Inc.
Tv-serien: Alex, Inc.

Alex, Inc.

A brilliant radio journalist, husband, and father of two is about to do something crazy — quit his job and start his own company. He quickly discovers it’s going to be a lot harder than he thought.

Om tv-serien
  • Längd: 25 minuter
  • Serien har avslutats
  • 65% gillar TV-serien

Om Alex, Inc.

General error occurred


  • Zach Braff

    Alex Schuman

  • Tiya Sircar

    Rooni Schuman

  • Hillary Anne Matthews


  • Michael Imperioli


  • Elisha Henig

    Ben Schuman

Tv-Serien finns på följande streamingtjänster

Alex, Inc. finns för närvarande tillgänglig för streaming,uthyrning och köp i Sverige


Senaste inspelade avsnittet

The Rube Goldberg Contraption

2018-05-16 | avsnitt 10

After a company offers Alex money to expand the business, he worries his business is ruining his relationship with Rooni and the children and makes an important decision about the future. And with the future looking bright for the company, Deirdre and Eddie bring on a famous podcast producer.

Säsonger för Alex, Inc.

  • Säsong 1

    Säsong 1

    2018 | 10 avsnitt


  • Komedi