Ta en djupdykning in i de iskalla vattnen i Alaska med 'Deadliest Catch', en gripande dokumentärserie som sedan premiären 2005 har fångat tittarnas hjärtan och sinnen. Skapad av Thom Beers, denna serie tar oss med på en våghalsig resa tillsammans med modiga fiskare som står inför naturens mest brutala utmaningar. Med över 351 avsnitt fördelade på 20 säsonger, får vi följa med personligheter som Keith Colburn och Sig Hansen – spelade av sig själva – när de navigerar genom tiotals meter höga vågor och kämpar mot minusgrader, allt för att säkra dagens fångst. Fångster som väger upp till 300 kilo hotar ständigt att krossa delar av besättningen om de inte hanteras med yttersta försiktighet. 'Deadliest Catch' är inte bara en serie, det är en hyllning till de som riskerar allt på de mest ogästvänliga haven. Och med serien fortfarande i produktion, lovar framtiden fler spännande äventyr på öppet hav.
Deadliest Catch finns för närvarande tillgänglig för streaming,uthyrning och köp i Sverige
In the Season 20 finale, four boats race to beat closing canneries as conditions intensify on the water; Sig suffers a major outage with hours to port; Jake uses his only gear to back out of trouble; John doubles down on orcas.
It's the deadliest job on earth: crab fishing off the Alaskan coast on the icy Bering Sea
A dramatic change in the Russian crab industry rocks global markets and drives new competition between Dutch Harbor captains and their Russian adversaries. For the first time ever, in season 16 the Alaskan crab fleet will face off against their biggest rival – the Russians.
New blood, old wounds and rivalries that never die. After a record breaking, heartbreaking season last year, Deadliest Catch returns for season fourteen. For some it's a season of change; for others, a chance to make a name for themselves, but some things remain constant: the perilous, icy waters of the Bering Sea and most dangerous job in the world.
Over the past 12 years, the veteran captains thought they’d seen it all. But this year proves to be like no other on record. This year the crabs have seemingly vanished – igniting a grueling hunt to save the fleet’s way of life. After a massive temperature spike in the Bering Sea, traditional fishing hot spots are now coming up empty.
The fearless captains of the Bering Sea are back. This year they must lean on their brethren to survive. But just how far will they push their crabbing brotherhood to the edge?
Massive storms, a super typhoon and new regulations will change all the rules. With great risks come even greater opportunities - and for those willing to put it all on the line, it means an even bigger payoff. The fearless captains of the Bering Sea are back, and they must lean on their brethren to survive. How much can the bonds of brotherhood endure on the high seas?
Thom Beers