I den gripande tv-serien 'Evil' utforskar en trio bestående av en skeptisk psykolog, spelad av Katja Herbers, en katolsk präst, porträtterad av Mike Colter, och en tekniskt kunnig entreprenör, gestaltad av Aasif Mandvi, djupet av kyrkans mest oförklarliga mysterier. Denna unika blandning av karaktärer tar sig an allt från demoniska besittningar till mirakel och profetior, i ett försök att skilja vetenskap från övernaturliga fenomen. Sedan premiären 2019 har serien fängslat tittare över hela världen med sina 50 avsnitt fördelade på fyra säsonger, varje avsnitt med en speltid på cirka 43 minuter. Skapad av Michelle King, har 'Evil' blivit en kritikerrosad serie som dock, till mångas besvikelse, inte kommer att fortsätta då den har lagts ner. Trots detta fortsätter dess mix av spänning, mysterium och karaktärsdriven berättelse att locka nya fans som söker efter en serie som utmanar gränserna mellan tro och skepticism.
Evil finns för närvarande tillgänglig för streaming,uthyrning och köp i Sverige
An ominous countdown begins after the Bouchard girls start a new game on their VR goggles. The Entity moves to stop the Sixty, despite Sister Andrea's warnings. The team receives an offer they never expected. Kristen faces a final threat as Leland takes matters into his own hands.
Kristen, David and Ben continue to assess cases while Leland attempts to lure Kristen into raising the baby antichrist conceived with her ovum, culminating in one last confrontation with Leland and the 60 families that make up Evil in the modern world.
Season three begins moments after the end of season two: when a newly ordained David and Kristen kiss. The two not only have to navigate this fraught new reality, but contend with David’s involvement with “the entity,” an espionage unit within the Catholic church. Meanwhile, Ben finds his brain breaking from their unsolved cases and turns to his sister for help.
In season two, Kristen struggles with her darker nature after killing a man. David suffers temptation as he gets closer to his ordination, and Ben is visited by night terrors that prey on his greatest fears.
Where does science end and the supernatural begin? That's the mysterious—and dangerous—line explored by skeptical psychologist Kristen Bouchard when she teams up with priest-in-training David Acosta to explore the evil humanity is capable of. Together, they dive into the Catholic Church's files of occult phenomena to bring them to rational conclusions...or attempt to. Angel sightings, demonic possessions, prophecies and conspiracies test their faiths and push them to their limits as they learn that the world's darkness may run deeper than they ever thought possible.
Michelle King
Robert King