Dyk in i den charmiga världen av 'I vår herres hage', en nyinspelning av den älskade 1970-talsserien som tar oss med på en resa tillbaka i tiden till Yorkshire. Serien följer livet hos den unga veterinären James Herriot, spelad av Nicholas Ralph, i hans vardagliga äventyr. Baserad på James Herriots självbiografiska böcker, erbjuder serien en hjärtvärmande inblick i landsbygdslivet med dess utmaningar och glädjeämnen. Samuel West glänser i rollen som Siegfried Farnon, medan Anna Madeley gestaltar Mrs Hall, vilket bidrar till seriens rika karaktärsporträtt. Sedan premiären 2020 har serien bjudit på 35 avsnitt fördelade över 5 säsonger, varje avsnitt med en längd på cirka 50 minuter. Skapad av Colin Callender, fortsätter 'I vår herres hage' att förtrolla tittare världen över, med nya avsnitt på väg som lovar att föra traditionen vidare.
I vår herres hage finns för närvarande tillgänglig för streaming,uthyrning och köp i Sverige
James starts to behave out of character while examining Tricki, and his health takes a turn for the worst. Meanwhile, Siegfried, needing an extra hand in Carmody's absence, recruits a reluctant Tristan to help.
"Picking up in springtime of 1940 with change on the horizon for everyone in Skeldale House. James and Helen wonder when the right time might be to start a family, not knowing whether or not James will be called up to serve in the RAF. Tristan’s absence is felt by all, but no one more than Siegfried who attempts to hold the growing household, and himself, together as he braves this new world. Mrs Hall and Helen’s friendship blossoms as they look to the future and new trainee veterinary student Richard Carmody arrives, causing complications in the house.
Season 3 begins in spring 1939 as James and Helen prepare to walk down the aisle. James will have a new wife and a new stake in the business to think of. Helen also faces new challenges, not least of them letting go of her old life. Tristan, having passed his exams at long last, must now face the world as a qualified vet. Mrs. Hall may be ready to open up to affection beyond her work family…and cricket. As war with Germany looms on the horizon, Siegfried contends with painful memories of his own experiences during the First World War.
As series two opens, three months have passed since the events of the first series. A trip back home to Glasgow presents James with a dilemma that will mean choosing between the people he loves. As Helen and James navigate their feelings for one another, Siegfried, Tristan, and Mrs Hall are also forced to consider their places in the world, while James must ultimately decide between duty and love.
As new veterinarian James Herriot gets to know his new family at Skeldale House—his erratic boss Siegfried Farnon, his wayward brother Tristan and the shrewd housekeeper Mrs Hall—he is also drawn to local farmer’s daughter Helen Alderson.
Colin Callender