Love, Victor
Tv-serien: Love, Victor

Love, Victor

Victor is a new student at Creekwood High School on his own journey of self-discovery, facing challenges at home, adjusting to a new city, and struggling with his sexual orientation. When it all seems too much, he reaches out to Simon to help him navigate the ups and downs of high school.

Om tv-serien
  • Längd: 30 minuter
  • Serien har avslutats
  • 87% gillar TV-serien

Om Love, Victor

Serien hade premiär 2020 och varje avsnitt är ungefär 30 minuter. Totalt har 28 avsnitt sänts uppdelat på 3 säsonger och serien är skapad av Isaac Aptaker. Tyvärr har serien lagts ner och det kommer inga nya avsnitt


  • Michael Cimino

    Victor Salazar

  • Rachel Hilson

    Mia Brooks

  • Anthony Turpel

    Felix Weston

  • Bebe Wood

    Lake Meriwether

  • Mason Gooding

    Andrew Spencer

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  • Disney Plus

Kommande sändningar

Inga tablålagda TV-sändningar de närmsta sju dagarna.

Senaste inspelade avsnittet


2022-06-15 | avsnitt 8

The Winter Carnival brings all of our characters back to where the series started. As they consider their plans past high school, they each have decisions about who they want to be with, and where their futures may lead.

Säsonger för Love, Victor

  • Säsong 3

    Säsong 3

    2022 | 8 avsnitt

    Season three finds Victor going on a journey of self-discovery -- not only deciding who he wants to be with, but more broadly, who he wants to be. With their post-high-school-plans looming, Victor and his friends are faced with a new set of problems that they must work through to make the best choices for their futures.

  • Säsong 2

    Säsong 2

    2021 | 10 avsnitt

    Season two picks up with a newly out-of-the-closet Victor entering his junior year at Creekwood High. However, being out brings new challenges as Victor faces a family struggling with his revelation, a heartbroken ex-girlfriend in Mia, and the difficulties of being an openly gay star athlete — all while navigating the excitement of his new relationship with Benji.

  • Säsong 1

    Säsong 1

    2020 | 10 avsnitt

Serien är skapad av

  • Isaac Aptaker

  • Elizabeth Berger


  • Komedi
  • Drama