Tv-serien: Playmakers


Playmakers is an American television series that aired on ESPN from August 26, 2003 to November 11, 2003. It depicted the lives of the Cougars, a fictional professional football team in an unidentified city. The show starred Omar Gooding, Marcello Thedford, Christopher Wiehl, Jason Matthew Smith, Russell Hornsby, and Tony Denison. The show, which ran eleven episodes, was the first original drama series created by ESPN. Although the ratings were very high for ESPN—Playmakers was the highest-rated show on the network other than its Sunday night NFL and Saturday college football games—ESPN eventually canceled the series under pressure from the National Football League, who thought professional football was being negatively portrayed.

Om tv-serien
  • Längd: 45 minuter
  • Serien har avslutats
  • 52% gillar TV-serien

Om Playmakers

Serien hade premiär 2003 och varje avsnitt är ungefär 45 minuter. Totalt har 11 avsnitt sänts uppdelat på 1 säsonger och tyvärr har serien lagts ner och det kommer inga nya avsnitt.


  • Christopher Wiehl

  • Tony Denison

  • Omar Gooding

  • Russell Hornsby

  • Marcello Thedford

Kommande sändningar

Inga tablålagda TV-sändningar de närmsta sju dagarna.

Senaste inspelade avsnittet

Week 17

2003-11-11 | avsnitt 11

Leon auditions for a sportscaster job at Samantha's station; Olczyk must handle a surprise pregnancy announcement; Buffalo's weight gain affects his chances of playing.

Säsonger för Playmakers

  • Säsong 1

    Säsong 1

    2003 | 11 avsnitt

  • Specials

    | 2 avsnitt


  • Drama