Dyk in i det antika Roms fascinerande historia med TV-serien 'Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire', som hade sin premiär 2008. Denna enkelsäsongsserie, bestående av 13 avsnitt, tar tittarna på en gripande resa genom Roms storhet och fall. Genom detaljerade rekonstruktioner och medryckande berättelser utforskar serien de politiska intriger, krigiska konflikter och kulturella dynamiker som formade det antika imperiet. Trots seriens korta livslängd - den lades ner efter bara en säsong - har 'Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire' lämnat ett bestående intryck på historieintresserade tittare världen över. Tyvärr kommer inga nya avsnitt att produceras, men dess rika innehåll fortsätter att inspirera och utbilda om en av historiens mest ikoniska civilisationer.
In the middle of the fifth century, as the Empire fights a losing battle against its formidable barbarian opponents, one Roman named Orestes finds service in the court of Attila the Hun. Schooled in the strategy of his enemy, Orestes eventually makes his way back to Italy, determined to resurrect Rome. Naming his young son emperor, Orestes attempts to purify Rome of her barbarian influences. Yet he soon learns the sad truth, that without barbarians, there is no Rome. After hundreds of years of using the foreign invaders as mercenary soldiers, they outnumber the Romans, and the Empire can’t afford to dismiss them. Though Orestes fights valiantly, he meets his end at the hands of the leader of the barbarian mercenaries, Odacer, an event that spells the end of Rome in 476 AD. The last emperor, just a boy, is sent into exile, and Odacer proclaims there is no need for a new emperor, as the Roman Empire is no more.