I hjärtat av Pasadena, Kalifornien, finner vi den komplexa och djupt mänskliga berättelsen om familjen Fisher som driver begravningsbyrån Fisher and Sons Funeral Home. Serien 'Six Feet Under', skapad av den begåvade Alan Ball, tar sin början i en dramatisk vändning när familjen ställs inför förlusten av sin patriark, Nathaniel Fisher, som tragiskt omkommer i en olycka. Denna händelse för samman den äldste sonen Nate Fisher, spelad av Peter Krause, tillbaka från Seattle till familjens sida, där han återförenas med sin bror David, porträtterad av Michael C. Hall, och deras syster Claire, som just upplevt en chockerande nyhet under påverkan av crystal meth. Modern Ruth, gestaltad av Frances Conroy, kämpar med sin egen inre turbulens och skuldkänslor över en affär. Genom sina fem säsonger och totalt 63 avsnitt, som sändes mellan 2001 och dess avslut, utforskar 'Six Feet Under' livets skörhet, familjedynamik och de oförutsägbara vägarna i mänskliga relationer med en rå och ärlig närhet som få serier lyckats återskapa. Trots att serien har lagts ner, fortsätter dess djupgående berättelser och komplexa karaktärer att resonera med tittare världen över.
Six Feet Under finns för närvarande tillgänglig för streaming,uthyrning och köp i Sverige
David finally embraces a demon; Keith gives 'tough love'; Nathaniel talks to his younger son; Brenda delivers and fights Nate's negativity; Claire gets an exciting call; Ted inspires sexy photos; Margaret is impressed to see Olivier's nurturing side; George's limitations eclipse his intentions; and Claire drives into her future.
Everything. Everyone. Everywhere...Ends. Story elements established in the first four seasons reach a series of emotional climaxes, with Ruth overwhelmed by her mentally fragile husband George, Nate struggling to reaffirm his relationship with Brenda while raising his daughter Maya, David and Keith longing for children of their own, Claire trying to broaden her horizons, and Federico attempting to fill the void left by Vanessa. By season's end, all will come to embrace the cycle of life—birth, death and rebirth—in ways that are both unique and interconnected.
There’s a new family order at the Fisher & Diaz funeral home. Although one spouse is gone, another has moved in, ushering in changes for better and worse. For Nate, Ruth, David and Claire, every day above ground is a good one. With Ruth remarried and Nate spiraling out of control, the Fishers struggle with the latest losses and additions to the family, whose dismembered pieces never seem to add up to a healthy whole.
Thanks to the financial contributions of their mortician, Federico, Fisher & Sons has become Fisher & Diaz, and the Fisher family members face major adjustments as they open a new chapter in their professional lives and personal relationships.
With owner/patriarch Nathaniel Fisher no longer alive (except in the hearts and sometime visions of his family), his survivors — wife Ruth, sons Nate and David, and daughter Claire — continue to cope with the tricky business of looking to the future while being constantly reminded of the past.
As prodigal elder son Nate Fisher returns home for the holidays to news of his father's death, the family must learn to deal with the death of one of their own—while figuring out how to go ahead with the business of living.
Alan Ball