Dyk in i den gripande världen av 'Vikings', en serie som tar sin inspiration från de legendariska berättelserna om Ragnar Lodbrok, en av de mest beryktade vikingakrigarna. Denna episka saga, som utspelar sig mot den råa bakgrunden av Irland, följer Ragnars resa från en enkel bonde till en legendarisk krigare som med sin bror Rollo och sin fru, den formidabla sköldmön Lagertha, vågar sig på att attackera Britannien. Med en stjärnspäckad ensemble, inklusive Alex Høgh Andersen som Ivar Lothbrok, Jordan Patrick Smith som Ubbe Lothbrok, och Marco Ilsø som Hvitserk Lothbrok, har 'Vikings' fängslat tittare världen över sedan dess premiär 2013. Skapad av Michael Hirst, sträcker sig serien över sex säsonger och 89 avsnitt, varje avsnitt en nästan 44 minuter lång dykning in i vikingatidens brutala och fascinerande värld. Trots att serien avslutades, fortsätter dess berättelse att leva vidare som en odödlig del av TV-historien.
Vikings finns för närvarande tillgänglig för streaming,uthyrning och köp i Sverige
Ubbe reunites with an old friend but must pass judgment on a killer. The armies of Alfred and Ivar clash as each leader looks to his god for strength.
The final season finds Bjorn now the king of Kattegat, while Ivar is a fugitive in Russia and Lagertha plans a peaceful retirement to a country farm.
Season five begins with Ivar the Boneless asserting his leadership over the Great Heathen Army, while Lagertha reigns as Queen of Kattegat. Ivar’s murder of his brother Sigurd sets the stage for vicious battles to come as Ragnar’s sons plot their next moves after avenging their father’s death. Bjorn follows his destiny into the Mediterranean Sea and Floki who is suffering from the loss of his wife Helga, takes to the seas submitting himself to the will of the Gods. This season is full of startling alliances and unbelievable betrayals as the Vikings fight to rule the world.
A ferocious battle between the Vikings and the French eventually comes down to Ragnar against Rollo. The outcome will seal the fate of the two brothers.
With the promise of new land from the English, Ragnar leads his people to an uncertain fate on the shores of Wessex. King Ecbert has made many promises and it remains to be seen if he will keep them. But ever the restless wanderer, Ragnar is searching for something more … and he finds it in the mythical city of Paris.
Season two brings crises of faith, of power, of relationships. Brothers rise up against one another. Loyalties shift from friend to foe, and unlikely alliances are formed in the name of supremacy. Ragnar’s indiscretions threaten his marriage to Lagertha, tearing him and his beloved son apart. Plots are hatched, scores are settled, blood is spilled…all under the watchful eyes of the gods.
Introducing the extraordinarily complex and violent world of the Norsemen, The History Channel's first scripted series races the gripping sagas of historical hero Ragnar Lothbrok. As claimed direct descendent of Odin, god of war and warriors, Lothbrok's mystical nature and devotion to the gods feeds his stealthy maneuvers and determination to become King of the Vikings.
Michael Hirst