Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia
Tv-serien: Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia

Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia

Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia is a 1979 British television documentary written and presented by the Australian journalist John Pilger, which was produced and directed by David Munro. The film recounts the bombing of Cambodia by the United States in 1970 during the Vietnam War, the subsequent brutality and genocide that occurred when Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge militia took over, the poverty and suffering of the people, and the limited aid since given by the West. Viewers were so moved by the plight of the people that they donated ₤45 million to the station in aid.

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Om Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia

I den djupt berörande dokumentärserien 'Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia' kastas tittarna in i en gripande skildring av Kambodjas tragiska historia under Pol Pots brutala regim. Serien, som inte har några avsnitt på grund av dess unika och avslutade natur, erbjuder en omskakande inblick i de fasor som det kambodjanska folket utsattes för. Trots att det inte finns planer på att fortsätta serien, står 'Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia' som ett kraftfullt vittnesmål om mänsklighetens mörkaste stunder och de outplånliga ärr som historien lämnat efter sig.